12 Tips for Associations During COVID-19

Jul 29, 2024

The way we all approach our daily lives has had to change significantly in a very short period of time and the world of work has been turned upside down.

For some organisations, remote working has become the new normal, with many still learning to adapt.

Fortunately, at onsomble Management it’s business as usual as we’ve always been supported by a team that works 100% remotely. Having a remote workforce enables our agile approach — we can quickly and effectively respond to the demands of change — and allows us to continually deliver an uninterrupted high-performing service.

So, who is onsomble?

We’re a management services provider specialising in the association and NFP sectors. We offer a full suite of association management services — from basic admin tasks right through to CEO-level services and everything in between.

If you’re a leader of an association, you know how important effective, reliable and professional association management services are to your success. And likely, you know how hard they are to find.

Which is why we want to let you know that in these uncertain times, when it’s hard to predict what happens next, onsomble is here, ready to support you through the challenges ahead. Our mission has always been simple: we’re here to make your life easier.

Tips for your association

It’s important at this time to demonstrate your support for your members and your sector, and to invite your potential members into the fold so that they too can receive your support. Now is the time to remove barriers to their joining and staying decisions, and to share your benefits generously.

The onsomble team has put together a list of just some of the ways we’re helping our association clients respond to, and ultimately recover from, COVID-19 and we’re sharing it here:

If you think onsomble can help you or you’d simply like to find out more about onsomble and its fresh and innovative approach to association management, please contact us, we’d love to hear from you.

And don’t forget that both Associations Forum and AuSAE are running a series of online events to help you through these uncertain times.

Remember, we’re all in this together. Let us make your life easier during these challenging times.



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