We have a dream! The power of a clear vision
Nov 12, 2024
When it comes to your mission, vision, and values, in the mission-driven, service based world of NFP associations, it's not enough to simply put words on a page and expect that they will transform your organisation.
Following from our recent post 'We're on a mission!', this article - and Episode 5 of The Service Game podcast - explores the definitions, structures and creation of effective vision and values statements.
Unpacking the Basics: Mission vs. Vision
First, what's the difference between mission and vision statements? Well, a mission statement precisely defines what an organisation does and for whom. It's action-driven and focused on the present. In contrast, a vision statement paints a picture of the desired future state, driven by aspiration and ambition. It's about where you want to be, not where you are right now.
Effective Vision Statements: Key Characteristics
A powerful vision statement should be clear, concise, and memorable—your roadmap to success. It should resonate with all stakeholders, from members and staff to external partners. Examples from leading organisations, such as the Alzheimer’s Association’s aspiration for 'a world without dementia', serve as models of succinct and inspiring vision crafting.
The Role of Core Values
Values are the guiding principles that shape behaviour and decision-making within an organisation. They establish a foundation for how you want your business to be perceived and the kind of culture you aim to nurture. By championing values like integrity, accountability, and innovation, organisations build trust and credibility.
Integration for Strategic Success
Your mission, vision, and values - when well crafted - work hand-in-hand to not only define who you are as an organisation but also to foster authenticity and guide strategic decision-making. Ensuring alignment among these elements aids in focusing efforts and making well-informed, lasting impacts.
When it comes to your organisational values, for example, remember...
Demonstrate, don't just tell.
Or as musician Ben Harper puts it in his song Heart of Matters:
"You can't just say 'I love you',
You have to live 'I love you'"
Your members will know the difference.
Craft your mission, vision and values statements with care and revisit them often—they are living, guiding lights for your organisation’s journey.
Listen to episode 5 now for more.
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