Fundamentals of Association Management

Oct 03, 2024

In the pursuit of our mission to make running your association EASY, let's talk about the five fundamentals of association management. 

All you need to know to run your NFP association in 5 easy steps!

Just kidding.  Of course it's not that simple.  But, these five steps are the foundations upon which everything else is built. 

But, these five elements form the foundations upon which everything else is built.  Without them, you may find yourself: unclear about why your organisation exists, who you serve and what you're there to do; chasing the latest shining object to pass by; at odds with your stakeholders; leaking resources on activity that doesn't serve you well; or worse, driving your members away.

In contrast, getting these elements in place will help you:

  • Be super clear on your 'why'
  • Know what resources you need and how to use them optimally
  • Develop a decision-making framework
  • Structure your activity and cut down on mental load
  • Keep your Board and team in alignment
  • Ensure you serve your members in everything you do
  • Enjoy the process

Here are the 5 Fundamentals of association management in a nutshell.

1. Know Why You Exist:

Understanding your association’s core mission is vital. The importance of crafting a clear mission, vision, and values document with your board cannot be overstated. The mission lays out what you intend to achieve, the vision paints the future you hope to create, and the values act as guiding principles. Additionally, developing a succinct elevator pitch helps effectively communicate who you are and who you serve.

2. Have a Plan:

A strategic plan covering three to five years is crucial. Ensure that every element of your plan links back to your mission, vision, and values. From this overarching strategy, you should derive annual operating plans and budgets to guide the association's daily activities.

3. Establish Clear Systems and Processes:

Systems and processes are the backbone of efficient operations. Most associations operate online, necessitating a clear and cost-effective ecosystem of platforms. Properly set-up systems support consistent service delivery, even when there are changes in staff or leadership. You don't need to overspend on systems.  Select them carefully to match your needs, and be consistent in everything you do.

4. Understand Your Resources:

Resources can be varied: platforms, finances, and people. Budgeting properly ensures profitability, vital for sustainable growth even in a non-profit context. A good association management system (or database) is a necessity.  You'll also need a good accounting package, and document management system. The human resource aspect, including volunteers and paid staff, must also be effectively mapped out to align with strategic goals.

5. Track, Review, and Iterate:

Set up mechanisms to regularly measure and review your outcomes. Reports should be aligned with board meetings.  If your board meetings are held monthly, you may choose not to report on everything each time.  Set a plan for what gets reported on at which meetings. And it's important to embrace change whenever necessary, whether it involves systems or staffing, to avoid stagnation and inefficiency. A change that's necessary is best done sooner than later!


Running an association becomes significantly less daunting when approached with these clear steps. Knowing why your association exists, having a strategic plan, establishing systems, understanding resources, and continuously reviewing processes are fundamental to success.

For more resources and tailored support options designed for non-profit organisations, visit Don't forget to listen to episode 1 of The Service Game podcast, and follow us on social media for more insights into successfully navigating the complexities of running an association. 

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