The secret weapon to calm the soul

Jul 29, 2024

Ok, so the holiday season has passed and the energy and good intentions that are a January feature may be giving way to a slight (or not-so-slight) sense of overwhelm. As the workload increases and the pressures begin to mount again, there is one critical thing every business must set in place in order to keep focus…. effective systems.. 

t’s possible your organisation has a series of software platforms which don’t connect. Maybe you’ve got plans, task lists and thought bubbles recorded in a multitude of places – some of which you now can’t find. Perhaps you spend ten minutes searching for that word doc you just know you have somewhere, before starting again from scratch. And as for emails…

This type of (dis)organisation may seem trivial in the scheme of what you do and the benefits you deliver, but it is critically important to your success.  Having good systems in place:

  • Ensures you minimise the chance of ‘things falling between the cracks’.
  • Saves you time.
  • Saves your mental energy for the work rather than the process.
  • Ensures consistency across your team.
  • Provides a more reliable and repeatable experience for your members and customers.
  • Eases the mind and soul.

There are so many platforms out there which claim to be the answer to your problems and many are fantastic at what they do. But, the time it takes to find them, investigate them, trial them and implement them into your business is pretty daunting. It’s a challenge to make change when you’re neck-deep in tasks. It’s often a challenge to even identify the change you need.

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Delve deeply into where you are now:
    • what are the pain points, where are the bottlenecks, what’s the stuff that has you tearing your hair out on a daily basis, and what are you trying to achieve?
    • Note down the areas in which you have a flawed process or no process at all.
    • List the software you currently use and rate its effectiveness for your business.
    • Get clear on the standard processes you undertake on a repeated basis.
  • Set time aside to do the drilling down into what you need:
    • How do you want things to work?
    • What do you need to have in order to make work flow?
    • What functionality would save you and your team the most time and effort?
  • Identify the low hanging fruit:
    • Choose the highest value change and set about investigating, trialing, implementing.

Remember, it’s important that any changes you make fit into the bigger picture, flow from one process to another and link together with your whole structure. Oh, and write it all down. Take this opportunity to document your processes and you’ll save your business a heap of time and pain for years to come.

Need help?
onsomble provides a unique approach to outsourcing for both associations and small or trade-based businesses. Our process development package takes the pain out of improving your work-flow. Book a chat with us and sooth your overwhelmed soul!

Keep thinking big,


The better way to business:
onsomble’s innovative business solutions give you the power of a big team without the extra overheads. We allow you to stick to what you do best and not waste your valuable time on areas of your business that are not your expertise. Say goodbye Jack of all trades, and hello freedom.

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