We're on a mission!
Oct 26, 2024
What's the real value of a mission statement? Isn't it just corporate babble that you are supposed to have, but which no-one ever reads?
You won't be surprised to know that I say 'No!'.
In this week's episode of The Service Game podcast, we discuss the key qualities that make a mission statement effective, including being Clear and concise, Active and verb-focused, and Audience-centered.
A good mission statement isn't a long-winded explanation about what you do. It doesn’t go into how you’ll achieve your goals—that’s for your strategy. Instead, it’s a short, snappy, and actionable sentence that keeps you focused and motivated.
Your mission statement keeps you from wasting energy on easy distractions. Does this help me reach my goals – as set out in my strategy? Which of the pillars of my strategy does this activity help to achieve? If the answer is ‘none’ or if the answer just isn’t clear, chances are you’re being distracted from the main game.
“Rowing harder doesn’t help
if the boat is headed
in the wrong direction.”
Kenichi Ohmae
That’s right, no matter how hard you work, and even how productive you are, if your efforts don’t result in making progress towards your goals, your efforts are in vain.
‘But, what about seizing opportunities?’ I hear you say. Good question, because this is where NFP leaders can fall off the path. It’s pretty easy to convince yourself to do – or not do - anything, including grasping opportunities which don’t fit within your current strategy. When you find yourself faced with an opportunity and you just don’t know whether to swing at it or let it go through to the keeper, here’s what you do:
You must turn to your well devised and clearly written mission statement.
So much more than corporate babble, done well, this statement together with your vision and values statements, becomes your North Star, guiding you to your destination. It is the footing on which your strategy is built. Together they are the most significant, deceptively-simple sentences you can write for your business. Using them as your filter, you can decipher tempting, but ultimately distracting opportunities, from those which will help you reach your goals.
These three things and your strategy are symbiotic – any one of them alone isn’t enough and they all rely on each other for their structure.
We’ve created a Mission, Vision, & Values cheat sheet to simplify the process of determining yours. Need support crafting your mission statement, or setting the strategy for your business? onsomble can help. Email [email protected]u to ask about our Strategy Development package, book a Business Brains Trust session, or download one of our helpful resources, designed specifically to help associations to gain clarity and set a course for success.
Keep thinking big,
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